The Perfect Ebay Record Listing
Clear grading detailed description of any surface damage, for example, 1″ long barely feelable scratch on Track 1″. No wriggle–room for “not as described”, but in return you get to know in advance exactly what to expect.
Pictures of front and back cover, and both labels. Good sharp properly lit photos with good colour fidelity. The only improvement could be the exclusive LJC all-in-one view of the run-out and the labels.
Pity it is a Buy-it-Now rather than an Auction, but that’s the sellers choice., and up to you. He is a premium price record seller – most sellers haven’t to need or time to be this thorough with run of the mill rock and pop, but this the standard of information to aim for.

Pity Ebay don’t show potential record sellers this example of best practice. It would save everyone a load of aggravation.
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